WIFI Leak Detection Alarm
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WIFI Leak Detection Alarm


Very rarely, like any water containing vessel, a cooler or bottle can leak.
This device connects to the wifi in your home and will notify your cellphone if a leak occurs, no matter where you are(so long as your are connected to data or wifi).
We have already installed the battery for your convenience; follow the video below for set up or find instructions in the included paper manual.

Leak Detection Alarm
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Leak Detection Alarm


Will sound 90 decibel alarm upon contact with water. Works on carpet and all other types of flooring. We have pretested each unit and installed a battery for ease of use.

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Wes Treleaven
Mount Doug Springs
104-1505 Admirals Road
Admirals Walk
Victoria, BC V9A 2P8
Phone: 250 381-2088
Fax: 250-721-2823