Valued Customers,

We want to address a common issue that all bottled water companies face. Due to the nature of bottled water and the re-use of containers, eventually the bottles wear out; this can result in a tiny crack in the bottle nearly invisible to the naked eye. We test our bottles during preparation in an effort to catch faulty bottles before they make it to you but on the very odd occasion (about 10 per year of our 50,000 deliveries) a defective bottle finds its way to a customer or becomes defective while with a customer.

Cracks can allow air into the bottle which results in the receptacle overfilling and leaking onto the floor.

Below are some tips for avoiding such leaks:


  • -          Treat bottles very gently.
  • -          Do not store bottles on hardwood or laminate floor, and avoid using coolers or crocks in areas with hardwood or laminate floor.
  • -          If you notice a ring of water underneath a bottle, wipe the bottom dry; if the ring appears again then you likely have a leaky bottle. Let us know and we will replace it as soon as possible.
  • -          If you must place a bottle or cooler on a hardwood floor, consider placing it on a large rubber boot mat with raised edges. This will not completely diminish the risk, but may increase the chances of the leak being spotted.
  • -          Place a water leak detector beside the cooler, this will sound a loud alarm if water contacts it. We have these available for pickup or delivery for $18 each; pre-tested and battery installed.
  • -          Keep an eye on the bottle once you have changed it (for about 5 minutes) and do not change a bottle if you are not going to be in the room/building until several hours later.


Due to the wide array of causes, including mishandling, we are not legally liable for damages caused by bottles or receptacles.

Wes Treleaven
Mount Doug Springs
104-1505 Admirals Road
Admirals Walk
Victoria, BC V9A 2P8
Phone: 250 381-2088
Fax: 250-721-2823